D here.  Two blogs in one day?  Unprecedented.  But just wanted to give a few short updates on top of what I wrote earlier.. 

All around best part: The kids all ran up to us yelling our names, “Daayyyy annn A!  Je!  JaaaarrreMY!”  …and then getting lots of hugs. : )

Hardest part: Seeing all the tent cities as we left the airport and drove into the compound.  They were everywhere.  It seemed so hopeless.  Be praying these people get homes before rainy season (starts very soon) and hurricane season (in a couple months).

Best orphanage moment:  A few days ago, two baby chicks entered the compound.  The boys had so mch fun playing with them, and then after a little while, they decided to make a Baby Chick Orphanage for them.  They said the chicks needed a safe place to rest! : ) [See below]
Funniest part: Seeing my friend Chantal and her new 2 month old baby boy… a little background info: Two days before the earthquake, I went to go visit Chantal and her baby.  I asked her what she named him, and she shrugged her shoulders. “You name him,” she said.  “I can’t think of anything.”  First thing that came to mind?  MIGUEL.  Why?  I don’t know.  She added a “son” to the end of it, as many Haitain names have: Miguelson.   Anyhow, when I saw her when we got back last week, I asked her how her baby was, and what she ended up naming him.  She said, “You should know!  You named him!”  I didn’t really think it was a serious conversation!  So I named a Haitian child Miguelson.  Jeremy said I should have said, “Starlight” that day and then at least he’d have a sweet name.  Jay asked Chantal yesterday if she liked the name, and she said she did only because it was an American name!  Should I tell the truth?!

The most “Ooookay, really?!” moment/s: Every night, at 3:30 am on the dot, a church up the road sings, preaches, and sings some more.  VERY LOUDLY.    I realize Haiti needs lots and lots of prayer, but if only they prayed at 8…

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